To round off
Stef's Birthday week, we scored some free seats to the Foo Fighter's concert last night. Minus my sister's Jackass friend who kept
belligerently yelling "Detroit is better" randomly throughout the show, the concert was another face rocking experience. Seriously, Dave
Grohl is an orgasm on stage. No Lie. More on the two concerts to come...
PS: Though I am seriously biased when it comes to Tommy Lee, the Foo Fighter's drummer Taylor Hawkins schooled the shit out of Tommy Lee's performance at
DTE. Hawkins' mad drumming skills made Tommy Lee look like a tired old man. Word to your mother!
I likes to party too KP. I was surfing the net likes I always do's afta I's eats my breakfast and i happends to find this here blogs. Yous white girls sure knows how to have fun in this here little ol town of Grand Rapids. I's find myself wanting to read mores and mores of yo blog. Perhaps yous could recommends me a place to partys this here coming fridays. I's enjoy reading yous white girls blogs and i cants wait for your next postsss.
I do's apologizes fors mys accentsssssssssssssssssss
Hey anonymous thanks for the props boo! It's nice to see someone appreciating us. It most def will increase out street cred, though our street cred doesn't really need the help. Sorry to miss out on giving a sweet suggestion for this past weekend, but my lack of home computer hinders my blogging ability. So if you need something to do this weekend, might I suggest keeping it straight up low key and hitting the movies Friday night. Tropic Thunder comes out and after getting to see a free showing of it last week, its HILARIOUS! Otherwise, there is always Mega 80's Saturday night at the Intersection. Those guys have really been putting out their A-Game, so it will definately be more fun than watching a pirate monkey karate chop stuff.
Word to your mother!
~K to the M-fing P
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