2nd) Write something that has nothing whatsoever to do with Neil Diamond. Even though it kind of does, but not really.
10 REASONS WHY CANADA IS AWESOME (in no particular order. In fact, maybe you can put them in your own order, and we can discuss. I’d like that.):
1) Kyle Quincy
2) Mathieu Dandenault
3) Ed Belfour (yes I know he’s old now, but Damn!)
4) Kris Draper
5) Kirk Maltby
6) Darren McCarty
8) Steve Yzerman
9) Mike Babcock
10) Scotty “killabitchwithoutevenflinching” Bowman
Hahaha! How awesome was that sweet trick I just played on you! Sike!! Ok I have a different list of things that are awesome about Canada (again, in no particular order):
1) Some common stereotypes associated with Canadians: Beer, hockey, mullets, moose, beavers, political neutrality, and friendliness. Common stereotypes associated with Americans: obesity, arrogance, ignorance, extravagance, and McDonalds (I’m going to hear it for this one).
2) Thanks to their immaculate Nationalized Health Care system, all Canadian men are at least 33% better looking than everywhere else in North America. Ever been to Windsor? Even the border guys and bums got it going on. Hello, nurse!
3) The official food of Quebec is called “Poutine” and includes such delicious ingredients as French fries, gravy, and cheese curds. How are we still the fat ones?
4) Let’s be honest, while everyone really wanted high school to be like Sweet Valley and West Beverly, we all know it was really more like Degrassi.
5) SCTV, Kids In The Hall, You Can’t Do That On Television, Dan Akroyd, Mike Meyers, John Candy, Barenaked Ladies, Trivial Pursuit, Pictionary, Alex Trebek, Cirque du Soleil. Also, Canada has the longest designated street in the world, coming in at 1178.3 miles. Do those guys know how to party, or what??
6) The zipper was actually invented in Canada. Thank god! Buttons are a total pain in the ass.
7) Canadian bacon = ham. Canadian geese = bird more prominent in the United States than the bald eagle by far. Canadian tuxedo = jean jacket and jeans. This begs the question, are these things really of Canadian origin, or did the Canadians just take a bunch of sweet stuff and put their name on it? Either way, that took some thought.
8) “slap a bitch” is actually a legal term in Canada. If they actually had a dictionary there, I’d show you, but they don’t so if you want proof, just go ask a Canadian for a Canadian dictionary and they’ll, you know, prove it.
9) While to the rest of the world, Canada seems to enjoy peaceful neutrality, Northern friendliness, clean cities, and undisturbed wildlife, I just want you to know that Calgary is like the murder capitol of the whole world and there is so many miles of uncharted wilderness that no one would ever have even the slightest chance to find you if you went missing…you want to know how they stay so happy pal? Just test ‘em.
10) Ryan Reynolds.

*Bonus (because while my logic is impenetrable, there isn’t yet concrete enough evidence for the zealots): Jesus was actually born in Canada. Just think about it for a second: how many nativity scenes have you seen covered in snow? How often does it snow in the desert? Did you see that guy’s beard? I’ll bet there’s even a hidden passage in the bible that was lost in translation about how baby Jesus was laid in a manger lined with maple leaves and wrapped in Joseph’s (his friends called him “Broseph”) old flannel shirt and then the baby Jesus was visited by angels and they wiped a gossamer hankey on his widdle nosie, which they passed on to a group of trappist monks who took it back to Belgium (how do you think all those Belgians learned French?!?) and used it to make the world’s first (and to this day, finest) beer. I rest my case.
You can even get Poutine at KFC! and you left out Montreal smoked meat in the Poutine picture. Soo good
I wish "angles" would visit me!
KP dropped the ball on editing
I noticed. I didn't even mention the "boarder" guards.
Oops, guess I did now. :P
You also missed "Belgum"
Canadians spells a lot of words wrong, eh?
Ok so what's the deal everyone? I forget to spell check and no one can read it? Dudes, seriouslyey iff you allll justt comee two checkk my gramer then ewe suck!
hows aboot a comment on Canada??
Hey Chris, good to see you.Glad to know so many of you busy, busy people managed to set aside a little time to spell-check me. What a relif.....
Stef, it's good to be here.
Let's talk about Canadians.
Canadian money is really colorful, like Monopoly money. I made fun of it a lot, but it turns out that the color coding is really helpful. Also, they have $1 (loonies) and $2 (toonies) coins, which make for a lot of jingle in your pocket, but add up quickly. Usually you can pay for a meal and a post-meal prostitute with pocket change.
Canadians, those sorry folks, tried to make up their own national greeting. "Cheemo." Sadly, it didn't stick. I said it to a lot of people and they had no idea what I was talking about.
I also thought that everyone in Canada was like Red Green or Bob and Doug McKenzie. I was wrong. However, Canadians do talk really fast (at least Torontonians). Most people thought I was a cowboy with my slow, southern drawl (actually I have a hick-town midwest accent).
I could go on for awhile when it comes to Canadians. When I lived in Canada, I was the biggest American patriot in the world (which, if you know me, is hard to believe). When I am in the States, Canada is truly awesome. Good post.
But through all this talk no one has mentioned the great canadian Paul Anka!
How about the 10 reasons Canada should be punished?
1. Avril Lavigne
2. Bryan Adams
3. Howie Mandel
4. Caroline Rhea
5. Nickleback
6. Hayden Christensen
7. Shania Twain
8. Jason Priestly
9. Jennifer Granholm
10. Celine Dion.
So while I agree Canada has some cool shit, I just want to give them a big "Fuck you, Canada!"
Hell, I'll even let them have a do over. Maim at least one of these people and I'll be happy.
'Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken.
The thing I really like about Canadians is the way they say "process." They say it, like, "pro-cess." It's darling. And they are pretty friendly, I think. I also remember going to this hole in the wall place to eat poutine with my friends Al and Mike. It was so delicious. I felt like I weighted 457 pounds when finished and that I would surely die. But, I tell you, Steph and KP, it was worth it. Have you noticed that Canadians also often don't totally fit their ball caps and trucker hats onto their heads? They just sort of place them there. It's great. I love 'em...LOVE 'em.
Hey Justin! Neat! And Bubba, 7 out of 10 people on that list of yours would kick your ass in a fight, I'd put money on it. God, I hate Avril Lavigne.
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